

Intro: Null

I made a robot called Worm. It was named as it could clear PV Panels(for now) doing works with is joint and it is slithering to clean panels. It has two heads and go to different places on panels. It has small detectors at the heads (function clean or not, daytime and night and etc). One of its features is, it can recharge itself and can act autonomously and collectively! they can work autonomously for many years ! So vote me to make this idea become real. Thanks...


That's a cool idea! I think it could benefit from not having solar cells on the worm, i mean that's a lot of room, especially once you add the circuitry for managing all that and stuff. When it's literally right on top of a power source. Maybe have a home station kind of thing it can return to in order to charge up, which is powered by the cells it is cleaning.

I wonder how effective it could be in cleaning though.

also the little worm station could be used for storage, and the container the worms are shipped in. Shape it like an apple, or a little cup of fishing worms thing XD

I am working on it, especially on solar panels. If it can keep up to 50% clean in the year, this is an excellent result.

Thanks for comment .