Wrapped Bracelet


Intro: Wrapped Bracelet

In this instructable I'll show you how to make these wrapped bracelet. I hope you like it!

STEP 1: Materials

To make these bracelets, you will need the following:
- suede lace (not  sure about how to translate it)
- flat-nose plier
- scissors
- beads
- lace clip

STEP 2: The Right Size

The size of the bracelet is entirely your choice of course. I wanted the bracelet to wrap around my wrist three times, so I measured how long it should be to be wrapped three times and added a bit of extra, since it will have to fit over your hand.

STEP 3: Add the Beads

Take your beads and add them to the string. You can use an order, or put them on random. For the darkest bracelet I didn't use an order, for the other two I did.

STEP 4: Close the Bracelet

Take the lace clip and your pliers. Break of the round part as shown in the picures. 
Then, add the laceclip to the bracelet and close it.

STEP 5: Wear It!

That's it! Now you cvan wrap it around your wrist and wear it!
I hope you liked it, please share your pictures if you have made one.


You can always double up on the cord so the beads stay in place. If the cords are too thick for the pony beads get one of them wet and stretch it. When it dries it will swell and those beads will not go anywhere! Or you can wrap a wire around the outside of the nozzle of your glue gun and make it stick out so the glue will travel down the wire to exactly where you want it to be and put hot glue on the inside of the beads.
How do I figure ot what size bead will fit on the cord snuggly sovwont slide around? How to figure size of hole in bead. Thank you!
What size cord?
Thank you

The cord is about 1 x 2 mm I believe; the length is approximately 3 times the size of your wrist with a bit extra added

How do you get the bead threw the cord?
Looks pretty but what is a lace clip please?

Love the look of this bracelet and want to make one for myself and a couple for Chirstmas gifts, but as someone VERY VERY new to jewelry, I need some help. Would you let me know what size beads and suede lace you used? The beads I bought are too big for the lace and slide. Thanks!

Great question! It has been a while since I made these actually, so I'm not really sure.. I do think that you can find the measurements you need: you'll want the suede lace to be wider than the inner diameter of the bead

Great idea! I made it as a gift for a friend. :)
Gonna try this for sure!
I will totally try this! It would also look cute as an anklet!!:)