Project Yolk


Intro: Project Yolk

The act of cooking and preparing food brings with it many subtleties and nuances. From finding the perfect way to pepper a salad to the ultimate technique in which to scramble eggs – a long debated issue between many cooks. This mass of personal preferences combined with the countless tools and gadgets that fill the homeowners kitchen, makes for a perfect testing ground for personalization and modification.

With this in mind, we envision a future scenario where a character has the agency to freely create anything that they will. This project is a reflection of that vision, and an example of what may be the future of making; of uninhibited, whimsical design.

This project was a collaboration between Denon Vipond, Logan Mohr, JJ Mah, and Lauren Low, who are currently studying Industrial Design at Emily Carr University in Vancouver, BC.


Pick the perfect egg


Crack the egg


Place filled yolk containment chamber under nozzle, creating an air tight seal between the nozzle opening and yolk


Slowly engage lever until yolk is halfway


After performing egg extraction protocol perfectly, release yolk lever and let yolk fall into containment chamber


Now you are ready to make... Waffles! Custard! Meringues! Egg Noggin! Hollandaise Sauce!

STEP 7: Material List

  • Epoxy resin
  • Moen sink plunger from Home Depot model: M7819
  • Sand paper
  • Untreated birch plywood
  • 2 threaded pipe connectors
  • 1 1/4 inch clear tubing
  • 1/4 inch dowel
  • 2 small egg sized bowls
  • 1 inch dowel
  • 4 Springs
  • 2 bolts
  • 2 locking washers
  • 2 regular washers
  • 8 metal countersunk washers
  • 12 one inch countersunk screws
  • 8 eye hooks


Hi Everyone!

Studio Egg is more than happy to answer any questions about Project Yolk. Let us know your thoughts!

Nice and absurd. I like it!

Thank you! Great to hear that you like it!

Beautiful, elegant, and fun!

I highly recommend finishing the wood. Spilled eg would absorb, and destroy your carefully curated aesthetic.

Such a shame you haven't been able to incorporate any servos, let alone a Raspberry Pi and/or an Arduino.

Nice try just the same!


Hi nwlaurie,

Thanks for your comment! That is very interesting for you to bring this up as this is something we considered in the early phase of our process. For this version of Project Yolk we decided to stay away from Arduino and instead explore a mechanized, yet still manual way to separate the yolk. Servos would definitely make an interesting variation of this project!

and rubber bands - a project like this would REALLY benefit from plenty of rubber bands... and springs - I like BIG springs!
I suppose I'd better flag another wink, just in case... ;-)

So how would you do it then nwlaurie? Surely you'd have to make the exact same structure but go to greater expense and time to add in weaknesses by over complicating it and ruling out anyone remaking it that doesn't have the knowledge or access to electricity never mind the technology?

It does seem pointless but it teaches and enhances the skills of the maker for further projects. I can see this in the classrooms of third world countries to educate - it may inspire some other idea that instead of splitting eggs it does something astounding like getting water out the ground or just makes an existing process cheaper.

One of my fave ibles was a plain wooden box with a switch labeled something like "do not touch". Flicking the switch made the box open and finger poke out and flick the switch back then disappeared. It educated, was fun and kept it simple - a servo was as the most complicated part but it explained the various types etc.

Besides, my mummy told me "if you can't say something nice say nothing at all", which I think is good advice.

Did you (rlove4) not notice the wink at the end of my comment then?

We are very happy to hear it made you laugh!

First of all, I love this - a machine to separate eggs. Way cooler than the soda bottle technique that has been floating around the internet of late.

But - and I mean this in an instructional way, but "penultimate" means next-to-last. It isn't a measurement of quality or how cool something is. I know, it looks like it should mean "the coolest thing ever", but it doesn't. I suspect you picked up the wrong definition from someone else who used it incorrectly. I'm trying, too, to prevent others from picking it up incorrectly from you.

Best regards,


I feel the same way about "travesty" and "literally", I tend to be called a nazi lol but I'm simply trying to be helpful! Don't give up :)

I'm waiting for the motorized version! and +1 on chocolate mousse!

Hi marhar! A motorized version would definitely be interesting to do, we will defiently consider it!

This must be an example of how Rube Goldberg got his start. A bit complicated to perform an utterly simple task. Nice job.

Hi tjk1939!

Yes, we were definitely drawn to making a delicate task such as egg separating more mechanical! We discussed how through mechanizing tasks, a delicate experience can be lost (such as separating an egg). Though, we recognized this and wanted to create a new whimsical experience with this kitchen device. Rube Goldberg, but also Chindogu was an inspiration and gave us a solid base to build our ideas off of. Thanks for your comment Studio Egg appriciates it a lot!

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