Z3 Knex Gun Firing Demonstration


Intro: Z3 Knex Gun Firing Demonstration

I've been working on this for the past 4 months. Pump once, fire 3 times semi-automatically. Gets 50 feet of range. I still have some work I'd like to do on it before I post instructions. It weighs about 9 pounds.

Check out images of it here.

I am also an artist! Like me on Facebook!


Any progress on posting this thing Oblivitus?

If you post, I definately want to build it!
I have half the gun modeled and three steps finished on the instructable.

Thanks for letting know.
Dam that is good. 5*

But it is a bit big!
love your concepts man... i haven't been around for awhile but projects like this one keep me coming back for more!
Thanks! I'm in the process of doubling the capacity on this. I put a second turret below the first one and wrapped the ammo chain around the two of them. Make sure you check out the photos too if you haven't. I also made a rotator mech for the turret (which I'm unfortunately having to modify because it needs more power for the increased weight of the chain). But yeah, thanks. I did use quite a few new ideas here.
hey man. long time no speak... lol. anyway, check out my REMPAR-2 'ible (i made quite a few improvements on the internals, so i guess it's the next version of it). tell me what you think. also, you are all welcome to take a look at a gun that has gotten nothing but positive reviews by many people.
Hey, how's it going? I left a comment on the instructable.
Fine... Fine... But, uggh no you didn't. No comment there by you. accidentaly close it before clicking "post comment" maybe? lol
Lol, I didn't know you were online at that moment. I did the posting out of order.
Oblivitus, you will create the next generation of knex guns. That is the fricken coolest knex gun ive seen in my life!
Yeah, but it's going to be a few months. I need to make an mlcad model of it first. Then creating the instructions from that is a lengthy process as well.
Yeah that would take ages! But im glad it will be done even though it might take a long time.
Yeah, it'll be worth it though. Mlcad instructions makes it really clear and easy to understand.
Your instructions with MLcad helps but i think that its kinda hard to understand for some images.
Yeah, I've heard that from a few people. I'm always improving how I make them though. I intend to make the ones for this gun top quality.
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