

Intro: Zesktop

This is the new way for desktop to be used in new way as we are in 21st centuary and we are now also using desktop in old ways

STEP 1: Step 1 What It Need

you must have a old computer





.normal desk

STEP 2: Step 2 Open Every Piece in the Above Mention Step1

1.open the the speaker with audio controls than install it on the desk.

2. open the CPU than install the device on the back of the wooden desk with cpu fan duct.

3. open the screen than cut the desk with the width of the screen and install the actuator in it.

4.cover the panels with the acrylic sheet

STEP 3: Paint It Black or What Color You Prefer

this is the simple project which does not require any programming just your brain is required to convert your simple desktop to ZESKTOP


I'm making this , it doesn't matter you believe or not the idea of image is same .desktop inbuild desk

To actually make something remotely like the pictures you show would be very hard to do.

You really should attribute the original designer to be fair. This isn't YOUR design.

Somehow this seems to be missing some instructions!

this image is used as to make a brand new inbuild desktop having same color but different design but idea if base line design is same

or we can make it together as new era zesktop like desktop with desk

There isn't any evidence here that you have made any design input at all. Instructables in principle is a way to tell others about things You have made.

No thanks for the invitation to do your building for you.

I would look long and hard at bending plywood if you ever get to making this.

There isn't any evidence here that you have made any design input at all. Instructables in principle is a way to tell others about things You have made.

No thanks for the invitation to do your building for you.

I would look long and hard at bending plywood if you ever get to making this.

or we can make it together the real future ZESKTOP or desktop with are technology driven