Zip Strip!


Intro: Zip Strip!

STEP 1: Cut Off More Than You Need

STEP 2: Make End Tapes

From the end you have just cut, snip down the sides and across to remove about 1cm of the teeth.

STEP 3: Attach the Puller

Feed the teeth from one side into the puller.

Zip it on just a little bit.

Carefully feed in the other side of the zip.

Hold on to the tapes you created and pull the zip down.

STEP 4: Finish Off

Snip off the ends to the correct size.


I'm not sure what you mean? I usually just cut them off at the seam allowance or pin at 45° to 'disappear' into a lining..?

Ooooh could you do an 'ible on how to blank off the ends of zippers? Like when you're sewing them into something?