A Better Knex Grenade


Intro: A Better Knex Grenade

this is like a nomal knex grenade that is more powerful just throw and it explodes
when i made my first knex grenade i was disappointed cause it didnt explode like a grenade should
but most knex grenade dont even explode they just fall apart so ive put up my latest design of a much better grenade

STEP 1: The Middle

take two center brown pieces and a elastic band
begin to thread the band through the knex like so
tie the ends together

STEP 2: The Middle

add two snow flake things
and place two blue clips to hold them

STEP 3: The Skin

place all eight side clips on
do not push them on to hard
or they wont blow up

STEP 4: The Rest

and lastly just place a good amount of elastic band on the white snowflakes not on the side clips(you want them to come off easily)

STEP 5: Done

and you're all done just throw him and it'll explode
i put a video on to show it exploding with my new state of the art bomb tester
(sorry you will have to turn you're head!)


nice it looks like mine but i like the idea of filling it with clutter
its ok i ges but i pre fur awsome grenade.
"better" is compareing two things. So what is this compared to? But it is a great gernade!
its like saying "build a better mousetrap"
lol bet it would hurt the mouse!
but-vid-on-yout-ube... i like hot-dog and cakes!!!!!
next im puting up my compound bow out of knex!
please show more pics for puting on the rubber bands
the elastic bands are easy just place from the top white snowflake to the bottem white snowflake the more elastic the more power!
im trying to make a launcher for this piticular grenade ill post it then send u the link ok?
sure that would be great thanks (i was wondering how to make a grenade launcher )
dang! the only way i could make it is if it only went 5 ft! lol sry for the false hope......=( ive tried more ruberbands but it just makes it more unuseable...
lol i tryed too but he exploded in mid air not much use thanks anyway
how big is the blast radius?
I'd say 5 to 6 feet when i held it while it exploded they went every where leaving only the two small white connectors in my hand enjoy!
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