Anime Cupcake


Intro: Anime Cupcake

i hand painted this with food coloringĀ on one of my mini cakes. it took me a while to paint it but so worth it! gthe only thing that im not satisfied with is the way the hair came but yeah. here my website were you can see my other cakes that i have made!home/mainPage


I love anime I draw it when depressed which is a lot because I'm trying to quit cutting. can you give me ways to stop cutting?

My birthday is coming so what should I do? My mom dose not like anime but my dad lets me watch it.

OMG. How. Did. You. Do. That? That is epic on so many levels!
Amazing. I wish they would feature this so more people could see it.
Cute. I Am Myself A True Anime Fan, And That's Super Cute. I Am Actually Trying To Find A Way To Make A Lot Of Anime Cakes/Cupcakes Fast And Easy.... Any Ideas?