Native American Antique Great Box


Intro: Native American Antique Great Box

great for gifts really anything very versatile and sturdy. store anything in it really great. derived from the meca tribes

STEP 1: Get Your Supplies!!!

1.) 200$ P.F. CHANGs gift card or any really greasy Chinese food.
(taco Bell works great also)

2.) metamucil and rubber gloves, rain tarp, coffee creamer preferably liquid original or plain, a willing handy helper

3.)masonry tools or brick setting tools will be needed later

4.) bleach, Mr. clean, Clorox wipes, and a painter's 1 gallon bucket.

STEP 2: Eating Diet

you need to eat pf Chang's or taco bell for a month straight it gets a good bacterial consistancy in the bowels and makes your poop the perfect consistancy with minimal odor ( it will stink at first but the odor will not stay in the feces for no longer than two days. get your kids and wife anyone you can.

STEP 3: Time to Build

get your kids your wife anyone you can depending on the amount of boxes your making have them all poop real smooth onto the rain tarp and cream on it real good with coffee creamer kneed the moist feces with your kids! great project on a hot day my personal and family hobby!! it form it into the best box shape you can because there will be sanding and shaping after it dries more.

STEP 4: Time to Shape Your Native Meca Antique Box

chisel away to square your edges and sand to smooth. microwave to fully dry ( preferably not a microwave to cook food.) once dry let your kids pain. makes great gifts for charity also holding beauty products!!! use a potterty glaze or latex all weather paint!


this is one of my favorites no joke