Build a Eco-friendly Candle


Intro: Build a Eco-friendly Candle

Too much darkness around? This Instructable will show you how to build a eco-friendly dark sucker (A.K.A., a candle, flashlight, fire, pretty much anything that sucks darkness and brings light).
This Instructable is eco-friendly because it is made of the wax on those miniature cheese rolls!
If you want to see a video, it is on the last step.

STEP 1: What You Need

a cheese roll (1, but if you want a bigger candle...)
string (a couple inches) I used this twine like stuff- you might have to experiment with different types
something to burn the candle on (1) a tile works well
scissors (1) to cut the string
a hungry stomach (1)

STEP 2: Eating the Cheese

1: unwrap the cheese
2: put it in your mouth (don't eat the wax)
3: close your mouth
4: chew
5: swallow

see image below for guidance

STEP 3: Readying the Wax

next, you form the wax, heating it up with your hands.

You bend it in half, fold it over, flatten, and repeat until the wax in somewhat soft.

STEP 4: Making the Wick

This is pretty simple: cut of a piece about 4 inches long, and fold in half

STEP 5: Making the Candle

First, you take the wax and flatten it out, about one and a half inch tall by 2 inches wide.
Next, put the wick in as shown in picture 2.
Roll the wax around the wick (picture 3).

STEP 6: Videos!

The first video is of the candles burning, while the second shows how to make the candle.
they may take a while to load, but they will load eventually.
If you have any questions, feel free to comment.


I thought this might be made out of ear-wax...(dissapointed) I've done this, tends to create a bit of a cheesy smell, but what else do you do with the wax? And I've got 1 pound ball of the stuff somewhere... L
The wax is good and pliable, like modelling clay - anything you can make out of it can be transformed into metal by lost wax casting (I just put up an ible on lost wax casting using a form made from cheese wax)

I have the materials... - thanks for pointing me to your I'ble.

babybel light ? i never known about the existence of some babybel light, i know the classic red, the classic red ( big size), the yellow ( with edam or gouda) the green ( with goat cheese) but light ..... just to be more eco-friendly, is it possible to make a thread with our own hairs ?
Have you ever smelled burning human hair?! Not nice! I doubt you'd want a candle out of it
It burns to fast anyway. You could use hemp though.
Ummm..... My instructable was published 3 months before yours......
it is a miniature cheese roll. you can get them at the grocery store, they are great for lunches
 What kind of cheese is this?
Mmmm Cheese we have to do dare in grade 5 and 7! This is really cool!
YAY!!!!!!!!!! mini candles!!!
babybel cheese is soooo over priced. :\
Thanks for sharing. I really like this idea. Note for safety: Be careful that you hands are clean or the candle might make a big fire. Also I'm thinking we can put the wax in a tealight candle container.
there are pictures of the babybel light in the first and last steps. I've never heard of it either before I did this Instructable as for the hair, I think I might give it a try, but it might hurt a more painless way might be using the hair that gets stuck on the hair brush
you smell cheese when you burn your candles? I don't while burning mine.... it might be a different type of cheese (I used the light version) I added some cinnamon to one of my candles, but you could not smell it. I will post some more ideas for scented candles if I get any.....
Another good reason to eat a Babybel!
I do like a smoked gouda!