Buzzer Tone Fixer Made From Copper and a Pencil


Intro: Buzzer Tone Fixer Made From Copper and a Pencil

it  is  very  easy

STEP 1: Lead

break  the  pencil  and  take  a  peice  of  lead  and  keep  the  eraser  for  use  in step  2.

STEP 2: Wirering

first  make  a  hole  in  the  eraser  and  put  the  lead  but  don't  break  the  lead  wire  copper  on the  eraser.

STEP 3: Connecting the Wire

connect  the  copper  ends  to  the  leads  enjoy.

STEP 4: Heatsink

add  a  heatsink   if  it   get  very  hot  or  the  lead  will  burn


no problem with terminals
try on a buzzer it is easy
Where's the buzzer?

Why does it need it's tone fixing?

We need *real* photos and a much clearer description to figure out what's going on.
buzzers need to have fixed tone or it won't beep well try it
I cannot try "it", as I have no idea what "it" is.

Photos and clear instructions are vital.
sorry i don't have well pictures