

Intro: Checkbook

Here's how to make a cover for checkbook .

STEP 1: Drawing

First make the drawing. We will have to fill the space and not have too much empty.

STEP 2: Tracing Paper

Cut the leather (2 mm) to the shape of your checkbook and
See the drawing using a sheet of tracing paper .

STEP 3: Curving

Making the curving
A little creativity to embossing leather. Sheridan Base here .

STEP 4: Pause

Pause and take a big hug to your favorites pets

STEP 5: Color

leather color as you wish . brown gives a nice tint

STEP 6: Finish

Use Eco-Flo Gel Antique for finish color and Eco-Flo Satin Shene for the protection

STEP 7: Sew

sew the parts and put the clamps.

C'est fini !!


Looks great and love the "pause for pets"

This looks great! Very impressive leatherwork, thank you for sharing your talent here. I hope you'll share more!