Introduction: Cheep Tin Foil Tanner.
here is how to make a really really cheap tin foil tanner.
Step 1: Gathering the Materials.
First you will need.
tin foil and duck tape
its that easy.
tin foil and duck tape
its that easy.
Step 2: The Fun Part.
first cut a long piece of tin foil/ you want it longer then the bottom part of the tanner so you can fold it on it's self so it will be stronger/ now cut 2 pieces of tin foil about as long as the first one folded over on its self. Once you have these 3 parts, duck tape it together the 2 smaller ones go on the end of the lager one.
Step 3: Your Done.
you have just built a reusable tanner it folds up really small like in the picture bellow.