Cool Pimp Homemade Cane


Intro: Cool Pimp Homemade Cane

think some cool canes are expensive. so with 5 min. epoxy bbs(tracer for glow) and a stick you can mak a pimp cane that is awesome.

STEP 1: Shave the Stick

carefully use a knife or sander to smooth an shave the wood (soak if  needed)

STEP 2: Get Bbs of Different Colors

get  all different color bbs or marbles

STEP 3: Get Epoxy

i got mine from my dad so mabye lowes or home depot mix it till its really hazy with 5 toothpicks dries clear.

STEP 4: Stick Them On

before it dries use toothpiks to stick the bbs on it (or marbles)

STEP 5: Wait 5 Min. and Your Done

your done enjoy !!!!!!!!!

STEP 6: Add Things Too (optional)

too make it last longer i added a


this is me i forgot the password

What is YouCam.exe?

oh its a app that came with this laptop
i think theres also a website you can down load it