Cork Rocket


Intro: Cork Rocket

A wine bottle cork is turned into a rocket using co2 gas. It's loud, fast, and fun!

Video coming soon!

STEP 1: Ingredients

When you think vinegar and baking soda, you probably think a lame little bubbling blob. This is neither lame, nor a blob. This is a co2 cork rocket that is loud and fast.


pure white vinegar
baking soda


small wine bottle with cork
small spoon (tea spoon (tsp) )

STEP 2: Making the Co2

Before you make the co2, read through this page and the next one, because this has to be done fairly quickly.

Time to make the co2! First, take a heaping tsp of baking soda and pour it into the wine bottle (see image 1,2 and 3).

Then pour about 1/4 cup of white vinegar into the bottle (see pic. 4) then QUICKLY shove the cork into the bottle and holding it in. Make sure that none of the gas is escaping from the bottle. This is very important!

Quickly shake the bottle for about 5 seconds (counting with Mississippi Example: one Mississippi, two Mississippi etc.). (see pic. 5)

now move on to step 3 (firing)

If you didn't already know, when baking powder and vinegar are mixed, a chemical reaction occurs that creates co2 gas.

STEP 3: Firing

Now for the fun part! Go outside and aim the cork slightly into the air and stop holding on to the cork. BANG! Off it goes!

If you did it correctly, you will here a loud bang and the cork will fly 60 feet or more. If done incorrectly, the bang wont be very loud and it will only go about 5 feet.

Rinse with water between uses.

Try different amounts of baking soda and vinegar, even though I found my ratio to be the best, you might have different results.

REMEMBER! Always be safe! don't point at anything thats alive (including people) and make sure you don't do something stupid and aim it at a wall right in front of you and then cause it to ricochet
and hit you or others.

Video coming soon!


i tried this on a different instructable, and it didnt work! this one sounds like it would work. i will make it as soon as i get the materials
I suggest you use a plastic bottle, after doing this a lot your bottle might explode and that´s not funny when you're standing near.
Did you know that flying wine bottle corks kill more people every year than shark attacks?
ru serious? thats pretty cool!!!!!!!!!!!
COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just tried this in my living room.There was a POW and the cork bounced of the ceiling.THIS IS COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your right about this being a cannon.
A noun
1 rocket, rocket engine
a jet engine containing its own propellant'' and driven by reaction propulsion

I believe what you have is a cork cannon.
y do u consist on being a dooshe
cork rocket sounds cooler
if you guys think this is hard you should see mine it is super easy its called "Cool Cork Launcher/gun rocket" it may look dumb but its awsome
I remember doing this about a year ago with a Dads rootbeer bottle and a wine cork. Its impressive at how high they can go I had mine going to 100 feet+. Although I did add something else to the mix, not sure why I did but I added some dishwashing liquid. I had though about trying it with mentos and diet coke.
ya, the corks dont have to be flush with the glass, a feat made almost impossible by the pressure, just try to get it in as far as possible (see video coming in a couple of days), and thanks for spotting my baking powder mistake. Yes, it is baking soda.
yu need to post a video on this. I tried it, but it didnt work. oh, and uguy is being anal.
yea I'm going to
that rocket was so totally sweet it almost blew my friends face off
or just take the last of the sparkling cider, cap it, shake it and the cap will fly.
if you dont have a wine bottle or a cork do this put vinegar and baking soda into a water bottle point away from you and twist the cap youll get a similar result
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