Eggshell Mosaic


Intro: Eggshell Mosaic

Right after Easter, there are two things in abundance: hardboiled eggs, and colored eggshells. You can always make egg salad, but what about all those eggshells? I thought I'd try using them in mosaic. A birdhouse seemed like an apt project.

It's fairly straightforward: in addition to the eggshells and your project base, all you need is some Mod Podge and a brush. Be sure to remove the membrane off the eggshell, and break the shell into flat pieces. The Mod Podge will act as both glue and finish.


Good question. We get lots of sun here, so the color did fade. I've since moved it to under the eaves where it looks pastel-y for the most part. Perhaps the next one will be kept as an indoor decoration.
Thanks for the encouragement!