Introduction: Extra Spring Addition on the Nerf Recon

this mod will show you how to make your nerf recon into a wiked primary!

Step 1: First Off, We Will List the Supplies. (sorry, No Pic)

1. a recon with its stock

2.epoxy putty

3.a spring large enough to be as long as the distance from the midle peice in the stock to the part that tha connects from the gun.

4. a saw. (this depends on whether you have a first or second generation recon)

5.a pvc pipe with a lardger id than your spring.

Step 2: Cut

if your recon has a black peicce in the back that covers up the arm, read on
if your recon has an orange arm that comes out of the back then skip this step.

remove the two scews on the black peice and remove it. now cut off that end tube so tha when you put it back on the gun it looks like this:

Step 3: Pvc

cut the pipe the indicated length and use epoxy to scure it in the indicated place. let the epoxy dry.

Step 4: Done!

now put the spring into the pipe and attatch the stock to the gun. it will be harder to cock but it is a ton more pwerful now. engoy!