Fake Scrapes


Intro: Fake Scrapes

Awsome fake sraches made from house hold items!
(keep in mind this is my first instructable)

STEP 1: Materials

materials needed:
red gel food coloring
tishu paper
liquid starch

STEP 2: Fist Layer

just paint some starch on you're arm. (dosent show up in pic)

STEP 3: Color It!

Glob on some color!.Dont be hasty.

STEP 4: Gore It Up!

dip some tishue paper in the starch and roll it up. Put it on the color as if it was peeling skin.

STEP 5: Even More Color!

Paint some more starch and coler on. Make the coler thick on the "skin".

STEP 6: Look Hurt!

Gory? You think so? You mite, but if you dont, costimize it!

STEP 7: Go!

go out and do it!


How can I make the scrapedf skin look... not so red? Like if I scraped it on a dirt road and I need black/brown flecks on/in it... How could I do that? Just use dirt?
Just add a small drop of blue to the red,it will look like real blood. Poor spelling really takes away for this Instructable ...too bad
You do know that here is a spell check on instructables
Just try and get a lot more light into the photos by putting a couple lamps next to you or taking them outside in bright sunlight and these will be easier to see. Maybe get your parents to spell check it for you? Good instructable!
lol i know i was in the basment
well no i just dont know why u removed it
no like whyd u remove ur comment
wait hwyd u remove it?
I fixed it, there you guys happy?
What did you fix? This is really a poorly done instructable. In one paragraph you spell color 2 different ways, color and coler. Several other errors.
lol sorry i typed it fast
i know, its my fist so what do you expect!
I'd expect you to take your time and post the best Instructable you can. Better steps. Better pictures. Better explanations. Better grammar.

Sorry, but my first Instructable was lacking in clear pictures, but other than that, it was not of "its (sic) my first so what do you expect!" quality.
hey was i talkin to you or Hollis?
You may have been talking to Hollis, but it's a public forum, and anyone can comment on what you say, even if it's not directed at them.
1) If you don't want people to listen in to or comment on your public discussions, don't have them in public. 2) It's "busy body", not "busiy bodie".
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