Felt Beads TUtorial


Intro: Felt Beads TUtorial

Queres hacer bolitas de fieltro?
Do you like felt beads?

STEP 1: Felt Beads

Dip your dry pompom in water and add some dishsoap...
Sumerje el ponpon en agua, o mójalo con agua y una gota de detergente.

Then strat to rolling it between your palms... roll gently, no pressure until the core is firm, rolling in different directions so all surfaces get equal time felting. Once a nice round ball is forming slowly add more pressure.
Después empieza a moldearlo entre tus manos, suavemente, girando la bolita entre ellas, sin mucha presión inicialmente, hacia todos lados para que quede enfieltrada pareja. Después que ya tiene la forma tu puedes ejercer más presión y darle el tamaño que deseas.

And it's ready!.. you have to wash the ball and then you can use or dye it.
Y listo! lavas la bolita para sacar el detergente y la puedes teñir o lo que quieras...



An interesting idea for beads.

What better to take carded wool or merino?

Could we do this by getting some wool threads and cutting them down to little flakes?
I don think you have to cut them into flakes. you simply just need to make the "fur ball" then do the rest.

I discovered this after I accidentally machine washed my hat with a fur ball on top and it turn into a little felt ball. I just have to give it to my cat to play = =
I love using these to embellish things www.feltandcraft.com has like 100 roving colors too so the possibilities are endless!
Hola : Me encantò que estè en español!!! me puedes decir como es el material que usas?
Disculpame verrito pero esta pesimamente explicado. no se entiende nada de nada! Estaria bueno que lo expliques mejor o la hagas de vuelta. me interesa mucho aprender
But I will ask a relevant question, what is the material you start with? The other one calls it "wool fleece", but what's that? I got an idea....
the materias is wool top or roving, it's just carded wool...
"TUtorial" LOLo
Muy bueno. ¡Y bilingüe! Nunca creí que fueran tan fáciles de hacer. (Very good. And bilingual! I never thought that they were so easy to do.)