Firework Artillery Shell Bazooka


Intro: Firework Artillery Shell Bazooka

I have always looked all over the internet for plans to build one of these... but I have never seen any. so I built one! a breech-loading one!!!!

here is a vid and here is another one poor quality though...

sorry you cannot see the bazooka in the video,it was the first test and i did not hold it so that it could blow my head off!!! lol (now I hold it)

STEP 1: Step 1

you need:
1.artillery shells
2.4&1/2 ft. of pvc pipe
4.skill saw

STEP 2: Converting Launch Tube

first cut a hole in the launch tube for the breech.Then shave off some of the cardboard from the top so you still have to jam it into the pipe but it will not damage it.(about 1 1/2 in) (see picture) Then shave off some for the breech cover about 5 in. or more.

STEP 3: Finishing

saw off the 1/2 ft. of the pvc pipe and use it as a breech cover leave the fuse out and light it.Then close the breech asap!!!! not a good idea to hold it! use as a cannon i am not responsable for u killing yourself!!! the end.

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@kildevilfox try using an electricity powered mechanism use a small battery and have an electric bolt jump on the fuse safer and more reliable than butane
Thats awesome but scary. Have you had it blow up in the tube?
well if u have a 2 in. pvc pipe with the artillary tube attached to the fitting it would just launch the artillary tube off while the artillary shell is no flying sharpnel......and this was to the people complaining about flying sharpnel of pvc
thanks for telling these morons.... i was getting kinda po'd at them for thinking i was shooting it out of a pvc pipe, when clearly i am not
I'm working on a muzzel-loading one myself, but the hard part is putting together a reusable fuseless firing mechanism so I can just load, aim, and pull the trigger to fire. Mine is going to be using Excallibur brand canister shells so I'm going with 2 in. 80 wall (.25 in.) steel pipe. The current firing design is a trigger with a relay going to a butane torch lighter installed in the back cap with a shutter valve to close off the lighter when the charge ignites, but I'm still in the testing part.
ya thanks man i was trying to tell these people lol .... because the pvc is 2" (duh) and the mortar is 1.70" so they fit together without much modding... and it works ok if you ask me. i was finally brave enough to try firing it from my shoulder and it worked fine.
Wow thats probably one of the stupidest things I can think off doing with a firework besides standing over the mortar. Because of the stupidity in this video im going to assume you dont know anything about fireworks. Fireworks especially the crappy cheap ones which im assuming your using are very unreliable and unless you want large shards of pvc in your head dont try that.those shells are powerful enought to blow up a pvc tube if they malfunction. And the cardboard tube wouldnt really do anyhting it would build up more pressure eventually blow a hole threw the side or rip and blow your pvc pipe into your miniscule brain. P.S I consider this being nice because im saving you from getting hurt
most of you say that the shell will blow up the pvc, then why do you think i made the breach out of cardboard tube?
because when the shell goes off it is touching pvc and the inital shockwave from the shell shatters the pvc not a buildup of pressure hence the cardboard wouldn't have a chance to give before the pvc shattered when mine blew up it was maybe 6 in long and open on both ends
yeah dont use this as a bazooka i was usind pvc to launch bottle rockets which are MUCH smaller and it shattered the pvc be careful but its a good idea
the breach is made out of cardboard and can not shatter the pvc
how the f*ck did it shatter the pvc? did it not launch or something?
yeah and they were really cheap ones and they would blow up on the ground too
use thick metal or HDPE tubes for this pvc will shatter and shrapnel everywhere.
this seems like a bad idea...
Oh man, is that one of those things you twist the sides and it blows up and shoots whatever you put in there out? Those RULE. I once did it in this small lot.. Sounded like a huge gunshot. Scared the wits out of me. My mom didn't know it was me either... hahaha.
no that would be a potato cannon (spud gun)
Wow... .... ... .. ..... . Wow
We had a handheld gun for similar purposes, except it was made for roman candles and bad boys... this would be helpful for smaller low budget displays...