Getting Ketchup Faster Out of the Bottle


Intro: Getting Ketchup Faster Out of the Bottle

this is my first instructable on how to get ketchup faster out of those glass Heinz bottles 

STEP 1: Getting Started

first all you need is:
heinz glass ketchup bottle
and some good food

STEP 2: The Possition

all you have to do is set your ketchup bottle at a 40 degree angle instead of holding it at a 90 degree angle which forms a clog


Another way for rapid deployment, but the ketchup may splatter on the table. It will however get ketchup on the plate at first try: 1. shake the ketchup towards the plate. 2. with other hand, abrubtly stop the bottle with heel of your palm. 3. the momentum with the sudden brake by the other hand will deposit a glob (splatter even) on the plate.
On the news one day they said the best way was to stop it abruptly by hitting the wrist shaking the bottle against your other fist.
ur all wrong. on the side of the bottle, about half way up, is the number 57... knock on that like you would knock on a door and your fries will drown
why use a glass bottle in the first place thats what plastics for and dude get some help with your spelling
Okay, you won me over with this drawing :-)
Umm, I can see you really took your time making this Instructable.
oh god. please no more 1 step instructables using paint as your source for a camera.
...don't use a bottle?
Another handy hint: When you are at the end of your bottle, make sure the lid is on tight and then hold it by the bottom of the bottle. Then swing the bottle around in a great whirling motion like you are Pete Townsand. You will use centripetal force to get the Ketchup to the top of the bottle where then you can use it. Be careful of what is above you when you do this. I busted a ceiling fan once.
I'm sorry but that sucked.
it rearly did
it's my first instructable what do you expect
First doesn't mean it has to be horrible. The #1 rated instructable (LED throwies) was that contributor's (Q-Branch) first instructable. And on top of that, the instructables ranked #3-6 are all first-time attempts. I know it sounds mean, but frankly, I'm tried of people using the "Its my first" excuse for writing a terrible instructable. If you're not happy with the quality of your work, wait a few days, look over it, and make some changes before publishing it. Makes sure your spelling, grammar, punctuation and capitalization are correct. Also, before you even start, make sure you have a good topic to write about. You should be knowledgeable and passionate about your topic. It shouldn't be common sense (the downfall in this particular example). The best topics are ones that few other people would know about, but that many people would be interested in. Its not a competition to see who can post their instructable the fastest. If you have a unique topic that you're passionate about, nobody's going to "beat you to it." Take your time, explain it throughly, and make it look good. Above all else, have some pride in your work.
ok but make sure its not common sense next time