Gruesome Maternity Costume


Intro: Gruesome Maternity Costume

ThisĀ is my favorite costume of all the costumes I've ever had.

step 1: be pregnant! The bigger the better :)

step 2: get an old shirt and a baby doll

step 3: rip the baby's head and one arm off

step 4: determine your placement and rip a hole in the shirt

step 5: attach the doll parts to your stomach using any means necessary. ( I used spirit gum and double sided foam tape)

step 6: add some gore! (fake blood)

step 7: have fun! Go to arby's cause your having crazy cravings for some curly fries and freak out the staff ;)


I know right! :p thanks!

Vicious !!

Add a servo to simulate doll movement and maybe drag a part ( like a torn off leg ) of the male that caused this situation..

you have some wicked ideas! awesome thinking!