How to Make a Boomerang


Intro: How to Make a Boomerang

In this instructables I will show you how to make a boomerang out of one page.

STEP 1: Stuff........................

You will need :::::::::::::::::::::::::

STEP 2: Foldings

See the pics...............................!!!!!!!!

STEP 3: More Foldings..............

Pics again.............................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

STEP 4: Cuttings

You know ........................

STEP 5: Endings

Do you remember? We set aside the other half of the A4 sheet. Now make another boomerang. So we have two right? Tape them together just like in the pics......... to get the samurai boomerang!!!!!!!!!!!


ya for that you can modify it by keeping 2 broom sticks for stiffness and the try to fly it.

check out my boomerang made of paper..
Neat, but it flies like crap, because it's too flappy. Should try reinforcing it.