Introduction: How to Make a K'nex Rubber Band Gun With Real Trigger

all u will need is a box of k'nex and about 3-6 rubber bands.

really i accidentally made the trigger but so i wanted to share it with all of u.

it is not to bad to make but it can be hard at some parts

Step 1: How to Make the "barrel"

take an orange connector then put a white rod in the center of it then put a white rod in the center two yellow connectors then take the orange connector and connect it like in the first pic and then take another white rod and attach it like in the second pic and then attach two gray rods like in the third pic.

Step 2: How to Make the Trigger

take two white connector (the cirle thing) and then put three blue rods right next to each other the skip one space and then put one blue rod then take two green connectors and put one green rod on each then take a blue rod and put it in the center of the green connector and a white rod on the spot right next to the green rods then attach it like in the picture then u squeez the white connectors till they touch the green connecters then take your barrel and connect the gray rods to the hole u left open then u take one rubber band at a time till u used two or three and wrap it around the blue rods til tight and then put it in one of the "Y" looking spaces. now your trigger and barrel are done.

Step 3: Now U Mod It

u can put a handle where i did or a stock like i did or extend it like i did on the front it needs the thing i put on it or it will break apart. mod it any way u want and if u do make this comment that u did and just tell me how i did.


p.s.s. HAVE FUN


Step 4: How to Load and Cock It

u need to put the rubber band in the Y sorda like in the drawingand in the pic i do it with one hand holding the band and one pulling the trigger once u get it in position the let go of the trigger if the band doesnt stay then put more rubber bands on the trigger. HAVE FUN