How to Make an Awsome Knex Pistol


Intro: How to Make an Awsome Knex Pistol

this is my first instructables so tell me what you think and if you have any suggestions of what i should do next send me a massage

symple to use

i cant think of any, if you find one tell me and i'll fix it

STEP 1: Parts

30 white sticks
68 green sticks
1 yellow stick
1 gray stick
13 half black sticks
28 yellow connectors
4 green connectors
2 white connectors
11 red connectors
1 double gray connector

STEP 2: Handle

this is the handle and the trigger

STEP 3: Barrel

this is the barrel to the gun

STEP 4: Putting It Together

jest look at the pictures and keep adding on to yours

STEP 5: Bullet

really symple


it looks like a volcanic 10
thats a LOT of parts (dont think i have enough)
Not so good, but not bad either. Try adding a magazine, or try adding something else to make it stand out from all the others, such as a pump or a slide, or make it look unique.
not bad!
It doesn't look like there is really anything to "pull" for the trigger.
a con could be that there are allready hundreds of these....