How to Make an Electric Fence


Intro: How to Make an Electric Fence

this instructable will show you how to make an electric fence that shocks you good  things that you will need are: an ignition coil a 6v electric fence battery as many pegs as you need plus tape or poly wire one positive connector a earth connector and two aligator clips.
first step connect one wire to the ignition coils ground and one from 12v in connect one to the battery but leave one disconnected  connect the hv out to the fence and the hv ground to earth now tap the other battery lead to the battery you will see a spark if your ignition  coil is 30kv your output will be 15000v keep on touchind the lead touch the fence and it will hurt please note i do not reccommend usind this if you have pace maker so dont come crying to me if you kill yourself as it is 25ma that is lethal if it goes across the heart. please comment


please go onto the next step.

STEP 2: Schematic

here is the schematic modified with a switch sorry it is just a quick microsoft paint image and it came out really small for some stupid
reason BTW i will soon have some projects to do with computers seeya guys.