How to Make the Simplest Gun in the World


Intro: How to Make the Simplest Gun in the World

hi guy it it me oXABXo in thes instructables i well made the world simplest gun
it is sooo simple

STEP 1: The Item U Well Need

first u need this item

STEP 2: Put the Hole

u have to put a hole in the cap so the BBQ lighter gos Inside

STEP 3: Fun Part

and now u have ur gun have fun


hello all

first yes HeyJD it is all about expanding hot air

wen you but the lighter in the bottle you press the lighter a litel bit so so you fell up the bottel with 15% gas thin you press the lighter !!!

the gas and air well expand and thers NO were to go
so it gos off the lighter right away >>>like a bullet!
 Ah, after a little thought I found out what this guy is trying to make/say.

1:Basicly I think your supposed to put the lighter through the bottle cap.

2:then put the bottle cap on the bottle

3:then turn on the lighter.

what I think will happen is that the air inside the bottle will expand  so much that the bottle will shoot off the nose of the lighter and act as a bullet
i dont quite undestand your steps they are not there ? it looks like a good idea!
PIC 2 has the knife inserted in the cap
what is this supposed to do? all you tell us to do is shove a lighter in a bottle. do you have to put in propelant or anything? what does it shoot? how do you load it? please reply.
try it!!! then say it is a joke :)
Try editing this into the instructable. It will help ratings. Greatly.