Introduction: IPad2 Cover Etching
Measure iPad Cover to create template for laser etching.
Here is what I used for dimensions.
Here is what I used for dimensions.
Step 1: IPad2 Cover Etching
Here was my first attempt. I ran the laser on low power and numerous times. Some of the images were not very high resolution. You can see how the carbon stained the cream cover.
Step 2: IPad2 Cover Etching
Second attempt after coating a new cover with a leather finisher/protectant.
Improved the images some and only ran the laser once.
Much less smudging.
Improved the images some and only ran the laser once.
Much less smudging.
Step 3: IPad2 Cover Etching
Tried it on a black cover without any surface preparation and it seems to work fine.
I made it at TechShop.
I made it at TechShop.