Introduction: 007 Trademark Logo

This is the 007 trademark logo commonly seen at the beginning of the 007 movies.

Step 1: Supplies

You will need a piece of paper and a pencil (or pen). You will also need scissors (optional).

Step 2: Circles and Lines

Draw a circle on the paper. Make sure it isn't too small. Draw a circle with a smaller radius than the circle you just drew. You have now made a ring. Now draw curved lines in the ring.

Step 3: The Man

Draw a silhouette of a stick figure look-alike with a hat inside of the ring.

Step 4: Gun and Numbers

Draw a silhouette of a gun in the man's hand. Next, draw 007 above the man in 3-D.

Step 5: Cut... and Done!

You can cut the picture out if you so desire. Once you have cut or left it the same, you are done