Introduction: 2 Minute Brownies

Makes one serving

What you'll need:

-A mug

-A microwave

-A tablespoon and teaspoon measuring spoon

-Four tablespoons of flower

-Four tablespoons of sugar

-Two tablespoons of coco powder

-1/2 teaspoon of baking powder

-A pinch of baking soda

-2 tablespoons oil

-2 tablespoons water

Step 1: Step 2

Mix: flour, sugar, coco powder, baking soda and baking powder in the mug

After mixing those add the water and oil and mix them all together very well

Step 2:

Put you mug in the microwave for one minute and then 15 second intervals until the top is firm

Step 3:

It should look like this, add toppings as you please.

First Time Authors Contest 2016

Participated in the
First Time Authors Contest 2016