Introduction: 3D Star Ornament

About: I love dolphins, volleyball, sea creatures, and much more other things. When I grow up I would like to be a Marine Biologist because I love the sea and the creatures who live in it. Hope you know a LITTLE bit …

Materials: 1. Two wooden stars 2. Yellow paint 3. Sharpie 4. Glue 5. String 6. Separating dots

Step 1: Paint

Paint both stars. You can use any type of yellow I used neon.

Step 2: Decorate

Decorate any way you want using a sharpie. You can use mine if you want.

Step 3: Separate

Optional. Put three of these in triangle formation on one star. Peel of sticky things and place other star on top.

Step 4: Glue

Glue the string of any color on both ends of the stars. Use any color I just used red.