Introduction: Altoid Survival Tin

About: I am a master Minecraft player, gamer, survival expert, Lego master, camper, Boy scout, biker, mechanic, carpenter, wood carver, and many more

Hello everybody i'm back with this NEW and COOL Altoid Survival Tin, so let us get started.

Step 1: Why?

So here is my survival tin and it will help keep you alive with food in your belly and heat in your hands (p.s. i will explain later.) Something good to know is that this survival kit has a fishing kit inside of it. Now on with the show of how to build this.

Step 2: How to Build This

So if you want to build this just follow the pictures.

Step 3: Things to Do


one battery can be wrapped in the tin foil to make a hand warmer.

the fishing kit can be taken alone to the fishing spot.

the paper and pen can be used to write messages.

the money can be used to get a ride.

now if you think of any other things to put in here or that the stuff in here can be used for

please leave a comment.