Introduction: Altoids Wallet+Dispenser

Make an altoids wallet that dispenses your money, holds credit cards, receipts,and coins! ( My first insructable


Step 1: Items

1. Altoids Tin Can
2. Lots of money of the same kind
3. Some kind of knife and pliers to cut and bend the credit card slot
4. Magnet ( Make Sure It Is A Weak Magnet So You Wont Mess Up Your Credit Cards)
5. Fake Credit Card
6. Scissors
7. Tape (Any Kind Will Work)
8. And your hands....

All this cost me 2 dollars, witch is how much the altoids can was.


If you will put real credit cards in this wallet, i suggest you use something else to hold you receipts in place..
You could make a pocket on the lid to hold your receipts in place

Step 2: Coin Slot+ Credit Card Slot

To make the coin slot, take a index card and cut it to the width of the altoids can. Then tape it to the sides to the can.

Credit Card Slot:

Punch a hole in the side of the can and cut the metal to the size of the credit card.
Then take a business card and tape it to the inside of the can to keep the credit cards from touching the money.

Step 3: Fold the Money.

We will fold the money so it dispenses out of the altoids can.

1. Fold the dollar in half.
2. Fold another dollar in half.
3. Take the dollar and the other one and overlap each fold.
4. Fold the dollar to the middle.
5. Take the dollar that sticks out and pull on it. The next dollar should com out.

Watch the video for instructions:

Step 4: Put the Money Into the Altoids Can.

Take the money and put it into the altoids can. Make sure the money sticks out when you put the credit card so you can dispense your money.Take your fake credit card and put it into the altoids can on top of the money. It should be fit snugly into the altoids can or else ALL your money will fall out and some hobo steal it.( Just Kidding) You might want to cut a small slit into the credit card so you can easily take off the credit card and insert more money into your wallet.( Unless you don't have any more money)

Step 5: Almost Done!!

Get Your Magnet and Take some receipts and stick it onto the lid of the altoids.

Or trace a lid pattern and make a small pocket for reciepts

Step 6: ALL DONE!!

Now you have a altoids wallet that dispenses your money, holds coins, and credit cards!!!!!!!! Please Post Comments!!

If you think this instructable needs work or isnt well organized etc: THIS IS MY FIRST INSTRUCTABLE!!!! thank you

If you want to watch the video go here:


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