Introduction: Antique Room Finial

     A quick and easy finial taken from an old table leg, pieces from an old lamp, a ripped 1X7 white pine board, the bottom of a wooden paper towel holder, some wood glue, a few wood screws, four wooden cross cut-outs from walmart or micheals (etc.)and a garage sale find of antiqued upholstery finish tacks.... oh, and some paint lying around...
     This took about an hour to completely assemble.  After measuring and cutting, this was put together and given a base coat of antique red.  The next day a dry brush of an antique teal/corroded copper...
     Personally, I think it looks just as good as those from Hobby Lobby or Kirklands, and it only costs what u (might) have lying around...
     Sorry for the cell phone pics.....Thanks for looking.

3rd Annual Make It Stick Contest

Participated in the
3rd Annual Make It Stick Contest