Introduction: Artificial Bonsai Tree

About: I Love Making Awesome Stuff


  1. Binding Wire (Iron Wire)
  2. Modeling Clay
  3. Green Leaves Floor Mat
  4. Hot Glue Gun
  5. Ice Cream Stick
  6. Wire Cutter

Step 1: Frame Making

  1. Take a roll of binding wire (1 kg).
  2. Cut from the middle and make it straight.
  3. Make branches and hold them with masking tape.
  4. Bend the wires from the bottom at 90 degree.
  5. Finally replace the masking tape with small piece of wire

Step 2: Trunk Making

  1. Put modeling clay on wire frame. At first make the right proportion of tree, like thick from the bottom them do a detail work with ice cream stick etc.
  2. Leave it to dry or bake according to your clay manufacturer.
  3. Cut the excessive wire from the bottom.
  4. Open the wires from ends and make them zic zac shape.

Step 3: Finalize

  1. Purchase a foot mat that have small leave on it.
  2. Pluck all the leaves from it.
  3. Attached leaves on zic zac wires with hot glue.

Epilog Challenge 9

Participated in the
Epilog Challenge 9

Homemade Gifts Contest 2017

Participated in the
Homemade Gifts Contest 2017