Introduction: Beer Can Mug

About: I'm a Robotics and Engineering teacher at a vocational high school.

Remember wide mouth beers? Is that still a thing? Well, if it is, it has now been improved in just a few easy steps.

Don't ask me why I tried this, it just happened. Call it fate, call it luck, call it karma, I believe everything happens for a reason. Well, not really, but I'm just happy this did not end with me in the emergency room.

Step 1: Materials

1x Beer Can

Step 2: Tools

1x Can Opener

Step 3: Open Beer Using Pull Tab

Step 4: Remove Pull Tab From Can

Rock the pull tab back and forth until the metal weakens and it breaks free from the can.

Step 5: Use Can Opener to Cut Off the Top of the Beer

Place on top of the beer can and turn the screw so the opener cuts off the top of the beer can.

Step 6: Remove the Top

The top of the beer can will most likely fall into your beer. DO NOT PANIC! Stay calm and use your fingers to remove the top from the can.

Step 7: Enjoy Your Beer

The open top allows for easy drinking, and if you removed the top correctly, you will be amazed to find a smooth and elegant edge from which to drink.