Introduction: Bignè

Bignè is a small sweet pastry and is usually filled with whipped cream or, in this case, custard.

This recipe is quite easy to make but it takes some time.

Step 1: The Custard

We start by making the custard because it needs to rest some time in the fridge.

This is what we need:

  • 1 l of milk
  • 4 eggs
  • 8 tablespoon of flour
  • 8 tablespoon of sugar

If you want your custard more tasty you can also add some vanilla, some liquor or a little bit of grated orange peel.

Step 2: Whipping

Start to crack the eggs... (picture 1)... in a bowl...

Add the sugar and whip a little bit.

Add the flour and continue whipping until it gets creamy and smooth.

Step 3: Boiling

Start heating the milk and when it is ALMOST boiling lower the heat and add the mixture we prepared before. Continue to cook it until it boils while mixing it all the time. It is very important to keep mixing all the time because of the milk burns easily.

Once it has got thick you can transfer it to a bowl and cover it with the plastic film like in the picture. Then put it to cool down and rest in the fridge for at least an hour. Actually the taste is the best on the following day, so if you are not in a hurry, you can do the custard the day before.

Step 4: Making the Bignè


  • 250 dl of water
  • 130 g of butter
  • 130 g of flour
  • 4 eggs
  • a pinch of salt

Step 5: To the Pot

In a small pot put water and butter and heat up until it boils. Add the flour all at once and with a wooden spoon mix it until the dough doesn't stick anymore to the pot (as you can see on the last picture).

The dough should have funny "gel-like" texture when it is ready.

Let it cool down.

Step 6: Making the Puffs

Now is time to add the eggs: add one and mix until the egg is absorbed, add the second and mix and so on until you have mixed all the eggs.

After the eggs, the dough should look like in the second picture, quite thick and smooth consistence. If it gets too runny, your puffs get flat.

Make then the puffs on a baking paper with a piping bag. The perfect puffs looks bit like an elf's hat.

Step 7: Cooking

Bake in the oven at 180 degrees (Celsius) for about 30 minutes. During the last 5 minutes make a small gap to a oven door with a wooden spoon (see the picture).

Once baked let them cool down.

Step 8: Filling

Fill the puffs with a piping bag. Squeeze the puffs so full that they slightly ooze the filling out. Place them on a lovely heap on a plate to wait a finishing touch.

Step 9: Chocolate Decoration

Melt some chocolate of your choice and spread it on top of the heap of bignè. You can put them in the fridge before serving so that the chocolate sets.

Serve and enjoy!

Baking Contest 2016

Participated in the
Baking Contest 2016