Introduction: Chatroom Spambot

About: I am the coolest person on instructables and don't try arguing back!!! If you subscribe you could be cool like me!! :)

This is a simple chatroom spammer. You can use it it any chatroom, as long as you can messages with the enter button. Happy spamming, and don't annoy too many people!

Step 1: The Code

Copy and paste this into notepad, and save it as a .vbs file


set shell = createobject("")

strtext = inputbox("Message :")

strtimes = inputbox("Number of times to spam")

if not isnumeric(strtimes) then


end if

msgbox "You have 5 seconds to get to your inputbox."

wscript.sleep( 5000 )

for i=1 to strtimes

shell.sendkeys(strtext & "{enter}")

