Introduction: Coconut Micro SD Bracelet

About: Creator :)

The 'Coconut Micro SD Bracelet' is useful for 'Micro SD Card Holder'.

Step 1: These Are Coconut Shell Pieces

Take a coconut shell pieces and smooth with sand paper.

Step 2: Flex Kwik Glue

Use 'Flex Kwik Glue' on coconut shell pieces for good look.

Step 3: Holes and Threads

Make a holes on coconut shell pieces than attach with thread for making bracelet.

Step 4: Now Attach the Micro SD Card Reader Case

On back side of coconut shell piece attach the micro sd card reader case to the coconut shell pieces because to insert the micro sd card. Follow the pics.

Step 5: Looks Like These

Follow the pics. Thank You

Bracelet Challenge

Participated in the
Bracelet Challenge

Explore Science Contest

Participated in the
Explore Science Contest