Introduction: Colloidal Silver

About: I am a guy who likes videogames, judo and the great oudoors! (not necessarily in that order) My other half (I am a split personality guy) likes fayah (fire), rockets, technology and grapes. (in that order)

This recipe/make has been around for a long time. Some ridicule it, some turn blue, others sing its praises. You decide, try it yourself.

It is tiny nanoparticles of silver suspended/dissolved in water. Silver, interestingly, is toxic to bacteria.

Step 1: What You Need

two lumps of silver
9v or more battery

Step 2: Wire Me Up Scotty

Wire it all up, as shown. I know it isn't a complete circuit.

Step 3: Fill Me Up Buttercup

Fill the container with water, preferably distilled.

Step 4: Dip

Lower the silver electrodes in, MAKE SURE THEY DO NOT TOUCH.

Step 5: Waiting Game

Go and leave it. Overnight. When it reaches the colour of light pee, it is ready.

Step 6: Use It

Colloidal silver has multitudes of uses. I use it to sterilise knives after use, no pictures though sorry.

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