Introduction: CompliMirror

Created by Esha Desai, Michelle Rollin, Jordan Miller, and Benjamin West; the CompliMirror is a device that aims to combat issues of negative self-esteem and self-image. This mirror uses a Lilypad Arduino MP3 player amongst other items to create a mirror that compliments the user once he/she steps in front of it.

Step 1: Items You Will Need

The items you will need:

•Flexiforce Pressure Sensor ($21.95)

•LilyPad Mp3 ($42.46)

•Resistor Kit ($7.95)

•Jumper Wires ($3.95)

•Breadboard- Translucent Self-Adhesive ($4.95)

•Polymer Lithium Ion Battery ($7.95)

•Alligator Test Leads ($2.95)

•Mirror ($15)

•Door Mat ($10)

•2 speakers

•Micro-SD card ($10)

•Spray paint (colors of your choice)

•Wire wrap

Most of the hardware can be found at

Step 2: Code

1. Begin with writing the code, using C

//import all 
#define VOLUME 1<br>
int flexiForcePin = A0; //analog pin 0
SdFat sd;
SFEMP3Shield MP3player; //to board
void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
if (sensor >= 200){
  if (count > 10){
  count == 1;
  if (count == 1){
  if (count == 2){
  if (count == 3){
  if (count == 4){
  if (count == 5){
  if (count == 6){
  if (count == 7){
  if (count == 8){
  if (count == 9){
  if (count == 10){

Step 3: How to Put It Together

2. Don’t forget to import the libraries which can be found at this link (among other helpful information):

3. Make a list of MP3 files that you want the LilyPad MP3 player to play, name the files numbers 1-10.

4. Upload the MP3 files to SD card

5. Attach the sensor to the breadboard.

•Begin by attaching alligator test leads to the ground connection labeled “GND” (-), another to the positive connection labeled “VIN 3.5-6V” (+), and lastly one in an analog connection labeled “T1”.

•Attach your polymer lithium ion battery into the battery port located next to the ground connection.

•Next begin to use your jumper cables and your bread board. The picture above shows the flexiforce sensor in the breadboard so you can see where it’s connecting wires should go.

•Begin by plugging one jumper cable in the top left “+” row, and one on the top left “-“ second row (as shown by the blue jumper cables). These other ends of these two jumper cables will be connected to the “VIN 3.5-6V” and the “GND” alligator cables respectively.

•Next, one more jumper cable should be place in the “-“ row, with the other end placed in the same column and row B (shown by the black jumper cable).

•Place one side of a resistor a row beneath the above mentioned cable, and the other end in the same row and the second column from the right.

•Next place another cable from the positive top row with the other side placed on the first column from the right next to the opposite side of the resistor.

•Place three jumper cables in spots A1, A2, and A3, where the sensor is placed in the picture.

•Lastly, place one last jumper cable in the D3 position, this cord should connect to the alligator clip that connects to the analog port.

-----Safety First!-----

Soldering can be dangerous! Always wear protective eye wear and use extreme caution, as the soldering will be hot!

•Next solder the three loose jumper cables to three separate pieces of wire wrap, and respectively solder the other end a tong each on the end of the flexiforce sensor.

•For aesthetic purposes, once the three pieces of wire are soldered, wrap them together in electrical tape to create one larger wire.

Step 4: Speakers

1. Connect speakers to the stereo-headphone jack, and put the SD card with the mp3 files into the micro-SD card socket.

Step 5: Test the Code

1. Turn on the LilyPad MP3

2. Test the completed code by putting pressure on the sensor

3. If the first track on the SD card plays, the next step is to put pressure on the sensor again to make sure all of the tracks play

4. When the code, sensor, and MP3 player all work the next step is to put the hardware inside mirror, excluding the sensor and mat.

Step 6: The Mat

1. Now you need to put two footprints on the mat, so users will get a sense of where they are supposed to stand.

•Print out a picture of a footprint and then cut it out. This will create a stencil for you.

•Place the footprint on the mat and spray paint the inside of the stencil

•Flip the stencil over and spray paint inside the stencil for the other foot

2. When the spray paint is dry you can set up your complimenting mirror

•With everything except the sensor and speakers inside of the mirror, close it and prop it up

•Place the mat on the ground in front of the mirror

•Place the sensor under the mat and make sure to place the sensor under one of the spray painted footprints.

•Set up the speakers so they will be heard

Step 7: Testing Your Mirror

1. Test your final product. Step onto the mat

2. If you do not hear your first track check to see if:

•Everything is connected correctly

•Make sure the LilyPad MP3 player is on

•Make sure the speakers are on

•Check the placement of the sensor

Step 8: Congrats! Your CompliMirror Is Complete!