Introduction: Connect Soma Smart Shades From Web With Raspberry Pi

Simple step by step guide to controlling Soma Smart Shades ( with simple web server that runs on port 8080. Makes possible to control Smart Shades from a web url.

Will need:

1x Smart Shade (you can buy them from

1x Raspberry Pi 3 (integrated Bluetooth)

Step 1: Mount Your Smart Shade

Install and setup your Smart Shade. Steps for doing this can be found here -

Be aware that there is no physical button like on the video. There is just touch sensitive lid.

Step 2: Setup Your Raspberry Pi & Install Homebridge

Follow this step by step guide to installing your Raspberry Pi and also installing the HomeBridge service if you want to connect it with your IOS device.

Step 3: Install the Smart Shades Python Script

1. Download the python script file from this website -

2. Extract the file from the downloaded zip file and place it in your /home/pi directory (I changed the name of the file and just called it "" to make things easier)

3. Enable your Bluetooth adaptor - sudo hciconfig hci0 up

4. Now scan for your Smart Shades which are normally named RISExxx using this command - sudo hcitool lescan

5. Make note of the Smart Shade MAC address

Step 4: Install the Script and Enjoy.

1. Download the script and name it

#!/usr/bin/env python
import web
import subprocess<br>
urls = (
    '/getbattery/(.*)', 'get_battery',
    '/getposition/(.*)', 'get_position',
    '/moveup/(.*)', 'move_up',
    '/movedown/(.*)', 'move_down',
    '/setposition/(.*)/(.*)', 'set_position'
app = web.application(urls, globals())<br>
class get_battery:
    def GET(self, mac):
        output = subprocess.check_output(['/usr/bin/python','./', '-t', mac, '-c', 'get_battery'])
        return output<br>
class get_position:
    def GET(self, mac):
        output = subprocess.check_output(['/usr/bin/python','./', '-t', mac, '-c', 'get_position'])
        return output<br>
class move_down:
    def GET(self, mac):
        output = subprocess.check_output(['/usr/bin/python','./', '-t', mac, '-c', 'move_down'])
        return "OK"<br>
class move_up:
    def GET(self, mac):
        output = subprocess.check_output(['/usr/bin/python','./', '-t', mac, '-c', 'move_up'])
        return "OK"<br>
class set_position:
    def GET(self, mac, position):
        output = subprocess.check_output(['/usr/bin/python','./', '-t', mac, '-c', 'move_target', '-a', position])
        return "OK"<br>
if __name__ == "__main__":<br>

2. Add it to your smartblinds-diy folder ( should be located in the same folder).

3. Install framework for python - “sudo pip install”

4. Run the script "python"

5. How to use:

rpi_ip_address:8080/getbattery/MAC_ADDRESS_OF_BLIND rpi_ip_address:8080/getposition/MAC_ADDRESS_OF_BLIND rpi_ip_address:8080/moveup/MAC_ADDRESS_OF_BLIND rpi_ip_address:8080/movedown/MAC_ADDRESS_OF_BLIND rpi_ip_address:8080/setposition/MAC_ADDRESS_OF_BLIND/POSITION

This is all. Now you will be able to control the shades directly from the web. At least it worked on my case.