Introduction: DIY Puzzle!

About: Follow me in Instagram, which is CindyyNguyyenn

You can create your own puzzle! This is also a great way to recycle!

Let's get started.

Step 1: Materials

1. A good condition cereal box.
2. Scissors
3. Sharpie

Step 2: Pictures

Go on the internet and search up puzzle pieces and you can get inspiration on how to draw shapes on your puzzle!

Step 3: Drawing

Start by drawing on puzzle shapes on your cereal box. You can draw real looking puzzle pieces, or draw random shapes. So not cut out anything yet you can pick your cereal side to make a puzzle. Do not draw on sides
You can also draw on the other side of the cereal box! 2 puzzles on one!

Step 4: Cut

Start by cutting out the whole puzzle sheet. Also cut out the flaps.
After that cut out the puzzle pieces you have drawn.

Step 5: Finished!

Your finished your puzzle! Make sure to put it in a plastic bag so you don't loose and pieces! You can also do this with a snack box! You can put this together with a friend! Enjoy!! Please follow and like, also follow me on Instagram! Username: CinnCoCaLa08