Introduction: DIY Simple Fabric Painting on Dress

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Fabric painting techniques are the simplest ways of creating colourful pictures/art for designing dresses...

Here we will design a dress with Fabric or Acrylic Colours. It is a quick and easy process to transform your dress easily.

Step 1: Supplies



3.Masking Tape


5.Acrylic Paints or Fabric colour

6.Paint Brushes

Step 2: Prepare Your Fabric

Put a Plastic Cover on cardboard and place it inside the Fabric. Otherwise, the colour will stick...

Step 3: Use the Masking Tape

Use the Masking Tape as shown in the picture...

It will help to make a perfect outline...

Step 4: Draw Your Design

Draw Your Design on the Fabric with 6B or 8B pencils.

Step 5: Paint It

Paint the design with Acrylic or Fabric colour

Step 6: Remove the Masking Tape

Remove the Masking Tape slowly to get a clean outline.

Step 7: Detailing

Do the detailing on the painting with the help of a thin brush ....

It is an essential part of this project as it will help to increase the beauty of the design.

Step 8: Iron the Fabric

After the colour is completely dry, remove the cardboard.

Then flip the dress and iron it.

Step 9: Finally

Finally, our beautiful Fabric Painting is ready...

It's look so gorgeous and you can wear it for any occasion

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