Introduction: Document Creator in Batch

About: I enjoy anything to do with computers. I have made some interesting scripts, and I am constantly improving my skill set. One day I hope to become a programmer, although in what category is still a mystery (al…

Once again, I made this instructable because it could be made. You don't need to use it or even acknowledge its existence.

Now, onto the specifics.

I made this "program" a rather long time ago. Well, at least the first version. It was originally called batch maker, but now it is called batch maker.

It was inspired by someone who said on my question (I delete it a while ago so this is not an exact quote) "Inspiration for batch files", where I asked for something to make with batch files. "Make a batch file to make your batch files." is along the lines of what he/she said.

Now, the features:
1. Can make all types of files*
2. Can delete, rename, edit and create files.
3. It has been added to my Mega_Menu instructable.

Now onto the code:

* Can only make files with extensions of two or three letters (Eg: .exe, .py, .bat, .txt). If no extension is added (or an extension with over 3 letters is recorded, ".txt" is added onto the end.

Step 1: Code

@echo off
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
title Document Creator
color f0

echo Welcome to Prof. Pickle's "Document Creator".
echo Here are your options:
echo 1) Create a new document
echo 2) Continue on with an existing document
echo 3) View an existing document
echo 4) Delete an existing document
echo 5) Rename an existing document
echo 6) Exit
choice /c 1234 /n
if %errorlevel% equ 1 goto title
if %errorlevel% equ 2 goto continue
if %errorlevel% equ 3 goto exist
if %errorlevel% equ 4 goto delete
if %errorlevel% equ 5 goto rename
if %errorlevel% equ 6 goto exit

rem Setting the title of the document.
set /p title=Title (Cannot have spaces in it):
rem Checking if an extension has been added (and adding ".txt" if it has not).
set check1=!title:~-4,1!
set check2=!title:~-3,1!
if %check1% neq . if %check2% neq . set title=%title%.txt
set num=0

rem Checking if a file of that title already exisits.
if exist %title% goto invalid

rem Making the contents of the document.
set /a num=%num%+1
if %num% gtr 1 (
echo Work so far:
if %num% gtr 1 type %title%
set /p line=Contents of line %num%:
goto create

rem Creating the document.
echo %line% >> "%title%"
set line=
echo Options:
echo 1) Continue
echo 2) Discontinue (delete file and go back to menu)
echo 3) Go back to main
echo 4) Exit
choice /c 123 /n
if %errorlevel% equ 1 goto lines
if %errorlevel% equ 2 goto discon
if %errorlevel% equ 3 goto intro
if %errorlevel% equ 4 goto exit

rem Informing you that a file of your title already exists.
echo A document with the title "%title%" already exists, pick a new one.
goto title

del %title%


echo Note: File must be in the same directory.
set /p name=File name (and extension):
if not exist %name% goto invalid2
type %name%
set /p line=Next line:
echo %line% >> "%name%"
echo 1) Continue
echo 2) Discontinue (exit and delete file)
echo 3) Go back to main
echo 4) Exit (save and exit)
choice /c 123 /n
if %errorlevel% equ 1 goto lines2
if %errorlevel% equ 2 goto discon2
if %errorlevel% equ 3 goto intro
if %errorlevel% equ 4 goto exit

del %name%

set /p view=Type the name (and extension) of the file you want to view:
if not exist %view% goto invalid3
type %view%
echo Press any key to go to menu
pause >nul
goto Intro

echo No file of that name exists
echo Press any key to go back
pause >nul
goto Intro

set /p del=Name of the file you want deleted (and extension):
if not exist %del% goto invalid3
del %del%
echo Document has been deleted
echo Press an key to go back
pause >nul
goto intro

set /p rename=Select the name of the document whose name you want to change (and extension):
if not exist %rename% goto invalid3
set /p newname=Type the new name of the document (and extension):
if exist %newname% goto invalid4
set check1=!newname:~-4,1!
set check2=!newname:~3,1!
if %check1% neq . if %check2% neq . set newname=%newname%.txt
ren %rename% %newname%
echo Press any key to go back to main
pause >nul
goto Intro

echo A file of the name %newname% already exists.
echo Press any key to go back
pause >nul
goto rename

That's it. Once again, tell me if you need ANYTHING (emphasis on anything).

Step 2: Picture

Here's a picture |