Introduction: Dog Food & Water Stand

About: Location sound mixer by day, amateur everything by night.

I have a 95lbs. Yellow Lab who eat and drinks A LOT! Her 2-gallon water bowl has pretty much destroyed the flimsy stand we had before. So I figured she was due for an upgrade. So here is my simple project. I used a couple cedar fence planks (5/6x6x8) and some other scrap wood I had laying around. It should do the job for a while.

Step 1: Gather Materials

I used 2 8ft. 5/6x6 cedar fence planks, some extra pieces of 1x6 oak boards, my nail gun and a saw.

Step 2: Assemble the Top Shelf

I made the shelf itself out of 3 18" length cuts of the cedar fence plank, braced by two cuts of 18 1/2" with a 45° angle on the front surface for a cleaner look. Use your nail gun or screws to bring it all together. There is a 1/4" gap between each plank (standard carpenter's pencil width).

Step 3: Assemble the Sides/supports

Two 18" long planks stacked on top of each other, braced by perpendicular 11" planks. This will give the shelf some support to rest on and giving the top of the shelf a small lip so that nothing slides off the side.

Step 4: Turn Upright and Serve!

Ta da! There should be enough support all around. There is enough weight distribution between the planks for it not to sink in (I hope).