Introduction: Downloading LM Flash Programmer

About: I'm Electrical Engineering Student, Coffee Lover, Automated System designer, Programmer and Security System Designer.

LM Flash Programmer is the software provided by Texas Instruments, that is used to upload sketches, firmware, binary files and .hex files onto Texas Instruments micro-controllers such as Launchpad etc. Now, if you are hobbyist, or electronics enthusiasts then you surely need this software to program Texas Instruments micro-controllers.

So, here is a complete guide to download LM Flash Programmer.

Step 1: Website

Open up your browser click the following link to go on Texas Instruments LM Flash Programmer download page:

LM Flash Programmer Download Page

Step 2: Click on Get Software

When you landed on Texas Instruments download page then click on "Get Software".

Step 3: Login or Signup

Now, if you have Texas Instruments account, then login to your Texas Instruments account. If you don't have account then make one because it's free :)

Step 4: Fill the Form

After login to your account, a form will appear in front of you. Fill this form with correct information. Then click on submit button to proceed to download page.

Step 5: Download

When download page opened, then click on download button to start download. Downloading speed depends on your ISP.

In case, if download doesn't start then click on "HERE" link (as shown in figure) to start download the software immediately!

When your download completes, then click on "close" button.

Step 6: Installing

Now, open up your download file. If it is a .zip file then extract it first, then open extracted file and execute the setup.

Then install LM Flash Programmer to your desired location!

Now, run installed LM Flash Programmer and you are ready to program your Texas Instruments Micro-controllers!