Introduction: Draw Miss La Sen Head

About: like to make craft, cartoon

Miss La Sen is a fictional fairy character in the Sorim Story board game, “Hi La Sen - Hi Nice Life” song, the “Story at Sorim town” comic book and some cartoon clips.

Step 1: Use a Pencil. Draw a Round for Miss La Sen's Head.

Step 2: Draw Her Hair

Step 3: Sketch in a Headband.

Step 4: Use the Eraser to Clear the Redundant Trait Like This Picture.

Step 5: Draw the Bow in the Center of the Headband.

Step 6: Use the Eraser to Clear the Redundant Traits in the Bow and Headband.

Step 7: Draw the 5 Petal-flower on the Right Side.

Step 8: Draw the Nose.

Step 9: Draw Eyebrows

Step 10: Draw 2 Eyes

Step 11: Draw 2 Eyelids.

Step 12: Draw the Eyelashes.

Step 13: Draw 2 Ovals in Each Eye.

Step 14: Draw the Mouth.

Step 15: Draw the Tongue.

Step 16: Draw 2 Cheeks.

Step 17: Color in the Drawing. Use Color Pencils or Paints, Markers or Water Colors or Oil Pastels to Complete the Image.