Introduction: Dyno-Match

About: I'm the co-owner of KOR Instincts school, Iraq veteran, Search and Rescue explorer, NOLS Wilderness Medicine, CPR and First Aid/AED Instructor, Wilderness First Aid Instructor, Author.

Having a roaring fire can be very calming and relaxing, but as we all know when we need to build a fire the most is when we have the most challenges. I've created a DIY tutorial for those that are ever in a situation where they need to build a fire quickly. The Dyno-match can produce an adequate fire in a matter of minutes no matter the weather conditions or if you lack dry materials.

Step 1:

The items you will need are as follow:

1 candle

1 piece of aluminum foil about 6 inches

1 bowl

a pair of pliers

a pair of scissors

1 box of wooden matches

1 cup of water

1 meat tenderizer or something with a flat end

1 piece of toilet paper or paper towel

1 piece of fatwood or dry wooden stick (3-4 inches)

Step 2:

Began by crushing each match head into a bowl from the wooden match stick. Start with 30-40 match heads. Pour the crushed match heads onto the aluminum foil and began crushing into a powder consistency. Once you have a powder pour them back into the bowl.

Step 3:

Take your cup of water and pour a little bit at a time to form a paste. Once you have a paste consistency take your wooden stick and roll the tip of one end around into the paste until the tip is completely covered. I like to have about 1/2-1 inch of the tip covered. Now prop the stick-up and allow the match head to dry for about 3 hours or until they are hard.

Step 4:

Light the candle to allow the wax to melt, form the aluminum foil into a square pan to catch the hot wax. Measure the paper towel the length of the match stick and cut until so that you can wrap the stick up to the match head about three times around. Place the match stick into the aluminum foil pan.

Step 5:

Began to pour the hot wax over the paper towel and a little over lapping the dried match head. While the wax is still warm roll the match around to completely soak of the paper towel and allow it to dry until hard.

Step 6:

You have created a Dyno-Match! Be sure to cut the striker off the empty match box and place it with the Dyno-matches. These Dyno-matches can be put into your day pack, car, survival gear and used a moments notice and will burn up to five minutes. If you would like to purchase Dyno-Matches come visit us at remember to stay prepared and support your troops.