Introduction: Easiest Way to DE-Rust Chrome

What you need/ I used:

  • dremel
  • brass flap wheel
  • rusted chrome

Step 1: Find Rusted Chrome

So here is my rusted chrome, dremel (rotary tool), and brass flap wheel.

My flap wheel seems a little cheap or I hope there is a better quality one because the little bristles started flying out after awhile. I'm gonna go buy another that hopefully won't do that, which is why you should make sure to wear safety gear (at least safety glasses).

Step 2: Turn on the Rotary Tool

Not much to this one just turn it on and "apply", be careful though because it will scratch up softer metals (I believe aluminum is one) but it shouldn't hurt harder metals (such as steel) it also takes off paint so be careful what you use it on or rather how close you get to it. If you need to get right next to some paint or other possibly affected material (from the flap wheel) then I suggest using a toothbrush and baking soda. Make a sort of toothpaste (mixing baking soda and water) and start "brushing". I haven't tried it but scratching off paint with a toothbrush? To make it easier you can get an electric toothbrush and then you won't have to do so much work!

Metal Contest

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Metal Contest

Before and After Contest

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Before and After Contest